French Cuisine


Cheese Soufflé
Onion Tart
Puff Pastry dough
Salmon & Spinach Quiche
Shortcrust Pastry
Chicken Croquettes
Raspberry French Toast
French Onion Soup
Baked Tomaoes

Puff Pastry dough

Ingredients :

200 g plain flour

150 g unsalted butter

10 cl [3.5 fl oz] water

2 pinches salt (never forget the salt)

Method :

Put the flour in a bowl, form a well and pour the water with the salt in it

Mix slowly with a wooden spoon, then with your hands.

Work the dough quickly then form a ball and leave for 40 minutes.

With a rolling pin, gently beat the butter to flatten it into a square of 1/2 inch thick ;

it has to have more or less the same consistency as the dough ball.

Spread some flour on your counter top and line the dough to a big diamond shape

the dough square must be just a bit bigger than the square of butter and a bit thicker in the middle.

Display the square of butter in the central part of the dough and fold back the 4 sides

one after the other like an envelop.

It must be perfectly "closed", the butter must not be able to get out.

With the rolling pin, gently tap on the dough, then line it into a rectangle 3 times larger.

Fold it again into 3 so as to obtain again a square.

Again line into a long rectangle and fold back into a square (like explained above).

Do this 6 times.

Don't forget to spread flour regularly on the counter top so that the dough won't stick.

After the 2nd and 4th turn, leave 20 minutes ; after the 6th turn, the "Puff Pastry dough" is ready !

You can use it immediately.

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